Start by reading Amber's story to understand the experiences and struggles skin cancer patients endure post-surgery.
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One day, Amber notices a strange mole on her skin. After seeing a doctor, her worst fears are confirmed – she is diagnosed with skin cancer.
Amber undergoes Mohs surgery at the clinic, where layers of skin are removed until the cancer is fully cleared.
Upon successful completion of the surgery, the nurse applies the pressure dressing, hands over the instruction sheets and materials, taking a moment to walk Amber through the proper healing process.
Two days post-surgery, Amber attempts her first at-home dressing change. After taking a shower, she stands before the mirror, she realizes that her memory of the nurse instructions is fuzzy in her head. As she tries to recall the details, confusion creeps in.
One day, just when Amber thought everything was progressing well, she is surprised to see blood seeping from her wound. A sudden wave of nervousness and distress washes over her as questions flood her mind: "What is happening? Is the wound infected?”
About twenty minutes later, the bleeding is still going on. Filled with uncertainty and not knowing what to do next, Amber remembers the phone number the nurse had given her. With all her questions and concerns, she decides to call the clinic for help.
The medical team reassures her and tells her that the bleeding is expected. They provide her with useful advice and schedule an appointment to check the wound.
However, this sudden incident increases Amber's anxiety throughout the rest of her wound care journey. Questions continue to fill her mind: When will this end? Is it healing properly? Will the cancer come back?
Our goal is to help millions of Ambers going through this post-surgical journey, to help them feel confident and reassured throughout the whole wound-care procedure.